Proposed Closure of Lorne Street Community Centre in Kinning Park (Glasgow Govan constituency)
I object in the strongest terms about Culture & Sport Glasgow’s proposed closure of Lorne Street Community Centre. To deprive a re-emerging community a space to shape and develop ideas and capacity is a cruel and unusual form of punishment for an unknown crime.
I am offended by the stated criteria for closure "With low usage, Lorne Street has minimal internal space which limits the type and amount of activity which can be delivered" This has been based on outdated statistics and incorrect information. Since 08-09:
Lets have increased by 26%
Users have increased by 59%
Or 6,000 more users and 150 more lets in human terms
There are no outstanding repairs to the building so I would appreciate if you could provide me with a more detailed breakdown of the estimated repair bill from GCC Strategic Asset Management Plan. The £98,800 quoted consists of £84,150 of "desirable" repairs. The review is incorrect as well as out of date. Lorne Street Community Centre has a car park and is well served by the subway.
I also note that other facilities in the city, such as Garrowhill and Ruchazie are not recommended for closure, as they are the only community facility in the area. To close Lorne Street would be to lose the only CSG facility locally and with the uncertain future of Kinning Park Community Centre building the community would be left without any facility. I wonder why Kinning Park School’s Out service could not have been transferred to Lorne Street to keep it within the community. Lorne Street Primary School is in a poor state of repair and is cramped with no room to store equipment and materials that I, and other groups use.
I understand that Invercraig Hall will close, as the water damage is too expensive to repair. Kinning Park would welcome Drumoyne to Lorne Street. This would increase users and lets even further. Some users are out with the Glasgow area, never mind Kinning Park and to paraphrase our neighbours, STV "from Kinning Park to the world"
So much of what happens in Lorne Street easily fits within the vibrant theme of the Community Plan. I know that CSG worry that communities do not relate to vibrancy. This happens organically in Kinning Park and there is scope for growth by utilising the pitches. Strathclyde Police has shown interest in using these for diversionary activities, which will also relate to the Safe theme of the Community Plan.
In conclusion I state again that the recommendation for closure cannot be justified by using out of date statistics and to rip out the heart of Kinning Park for a second time would be to repeat the devastation caused by the M8’s construction.
If you have any questions please contact me at:
This article has been adapted from Kinning Park Community Council standard closure campaign letter
Posted by Austin Sheridan MSYP